Rural Healthcare is one of the biggest challenges that India is facing today. High mortality rates are subjected to poor health care facilities in the rural areas of India. More than 70% of India’s population is living under the roof of rural setup. These poorly established houses experience lack of proper supply of water and electricity. They manage to get a little water from far away distant places in order to proceed with their daily activities.
Apart from this, their situation is vulnerable because of lack of education and public health awareness. The key challenges in the health care domain are poor accountability, low-quality care, lack of health awareness and limited access to health facilities.
With this notion, Harshamitra Cancer Centre along with Periyar College of Pharmacy has conducted a free Health care camp at Jeyamkondan on 22.07.2018 (Sunday), a lot of people got benefitted from our service. The most special thing about the camp is we did PAP smear test totally free of cost. Around 40 women undertook this golden opportunity. PAP smear is one of the best methods that could detect Cervix cancer in young-old women. This test was done totally free of cost through our Rosegarden Trust,Trichy. Our team of dedicated Doctors along with technicians gave an awareness talk to the public then followed by the screening. For more details regarding Camp and Screening Contact: 7867013245, 7373731008, 7373621777.